project spotlight on:
Artists/Quilters, Judy Kirpich and Karen Schulz
a two person exhibit at the international quilt museum, university of nebraska-lincoln
— Essay excerpt:
'A duo exhibition of two accomplished artists invites a compare and contrast approach. What are the differences and what are the similarities between these two artists and their work? On the surface it is easy to note that both Kirpich and Schulz work in and with cloth...
“I do not sketch — although I wish that I did...,” says Kirpich about her creative process. “I work improvisationally, pinning up compositions on six very large design walls. My compositions rarely end up where they started — they morph and change often up until the very last seam. I take pictures all the time as I am constantly moving pieces around and having a photographic record allows me to go back to something I liked before I changed it. I make many many samples which I pin up all over my studio walls. I test everything — thread color, stitching techniques, amount and types of batting, acrylic paint colors, brush strokes, and even scratching techniques.”
Schulz describes her way of working somewhat differently: “My curiosity drives me to create work in a call and response improvisational manner as I explore the nature of my materials, be they cloth, dye, thread, paper or paint…I interact with my chosen medium with acquired skill as form appears and meaning is revealed. It is a thrill to realize visual compositions where disparate elements of line, shape and color, come together as if adhering to some mystical underlying rubric."'
See more artist and exhibit catalog designs here.